Saturday, October 23, 2010

Host a "House Party"...for FREE!


In today's economic downturn, it's become  more difficult to stretch the paycheck--but that doesn't mean you can't get your family and friends together for a fun "House Party" (hosted by you of course)  with the help of

Last month I hosted a "Kraft Home Style Macaroni & Cheese" House Party!  As the host, they set me up with a website where I could send out e-vites, print up fun favors and games, and upload pictures of my event.  About a week before the big party day, a box arrived at my home that included a brand new Pyrex Baking Dish, an awesome cooking pot with state of the art glass lid with stand, nice rubber serving spoon, 6 big bags of Kraft Home Style Macaroni &  Cheese to make for my guests, 20 pairs of Kraft socks with macaroni shaped rubber grippers on the bottom, plates, napkins and lots of coupons to give your guests.

It was a ton of fun, and House Party has all different types of events you can sign up to host.  You, as host, can cut down on the cost of food/refreshments if you ask your guests to bring an appetizer or dessert for 6-8 people and split up the list of food by assigning a particular category by last name (for example: Last Names A-M bring dessert for 6 and L-Z bring an appetizer for 6).  The host can provide the drinks!  Voila...a fun, free (almost free) event and good time to be had by all.

Here are some pics of my girls LOVING their Kraft Macaroni & Cheese socks!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Totally 80's Party!

Last weekend was like for sure a totally rad party for my sister-in-law!
It was a walk down memory lane for most of us Generation-X kids
( everyone wore their Garbage Pail Kids name tag which were easily researched and printed, here's the Birthday Girl's name tag)
 (Over-sized Pac Man Cookies were given as treats, wrapped in plastic bags and tied with colorful rainbow ribbon)

Decorations included glass apothecary jars filled with colorful candy buttons, decorative glass jars fully of Smarties and a rainbow painted roller skate with wings drawn on the chalkboard. 

80's Comfort food was served including tons of "FREE" Kraft Homestyle Macaroni & Cheese (more about that on my next blog), Pigs in a Blanket, and Bacon & Cornbread Fritters to name a few...we ran out of room, or steam to whip up the homemade funnel cakes I had planned...(too bad).

The evening concluded with an 80's style "Slam Book" passed around full of trivia questions ranging from t.v. shows, movies, nostalgic items, cartoons etc..  a fun time was had by all!

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